

Physical Therapy In Portland

Physical therapy is useful in many situations. It is beneficial for acute or chronic issues that need attention. It is even great for prevention purposes or when help is required to recover from surgery safely and successfully. It does not matter whether you have severe or minor pain or no pain at all, physical therapy is an excellent resource to help you reach your goals.

One of the most important things to do is to determine which physical therapist is best for you. But where do you start? Although there are many physical therapy Portland options, there are some basic things you can look for to find the best fit for your needs. Read the following tips to get started.

Focus On Your Concerns

There are a variety of areas that a physical therapist might focus on and a variety of locations where they provide care. A physical therapist can specialize in geriatrics, sports, or pelvic floor injuries. They can also work in a hospital setting or a rehabilitation center. Some work in a home setting for clients who are homebound and there are those who work in private practice.

You have to choose a therapist who specializes in your area of need. Some physical therapists work with clients that have specific sports or fitness injury needs.

Sports & Fitness Related Injury Recovery

Do you have a sports injury or a fitness injury? Physical therapy Portland can help. There are many types of injuries from sprains and strains to ACL tears and shin splints. Whatever your injury, your physical therapist will take the steps necessary to get you on the road to recovery and avoid surgery. They will also focus on future injury prevention.

Some forms are treatment include:

  • Message therapy
  • Braces
  • Manual therapy
  • Trigger point dry needling
  • Exercise therapy including strength, balance and stability work
  • Manipulation of the joints
  • Endurance training

Another type of injury that you physical therapist can help with is work injury.

Recover From a Work Injury

No one wants to miss work due to an injury. Accidents and injuries happen, but there is no reason that should keep you from work for an extended time. Physical therapy can help you recover safely and promptly to get you back on the job.

Whether you have a muscle strain, have had a fall or have a repetitive strain injury, finding physical therapy Redmond Oregon is an excellent option to help with your recovery. Treatments used are similar to those for sports injuries.

As with sports injuries, your therapist can teach prevention techniques to help prevent future issues. These can include ergonomic techniques for the workplace, and the therapist can provide various education opportunities at your workplace.

Do not let an injury keep you from working or enjoying your life. Research your options and find the best physical therapists in Portland to help with your needs. The right physical therapist will help you reach your goals in a safe efficient manner and teach you prevention techniques so that you can stay healthy.
