

Fashion Photographer Geraldine Torres

Geraldine Torres is a fashion and editorial photographer from New York, which I stumble upon on Instagram a few weeks ago. I have to say her photos are amazing and she has such positive energy I knew I have to had her on the blog. Today I bring you guys her interview with great photos of her work.

How is the fashion in New York City?

Fashion in the States is diverse. Just how we are the country of the free, I can say that as well about fashion. It’s amazing to see so much variety in the way people express their individual style with fashion.

How would you define beauty?

Beauty is confidence and maintenance. When you feel confident, it shows. When you give your body importance and do things to maintain it, it glows.

Were you educated in photography or are you a self-taught photographer?

Since I started dipping my heart into photography, I have self-taught myself. I bought books, paid for courses, and watched youtube HOW TO’s like ALLL DAY!

What camera do you use most of the time?

I have a Canon 5D Mark II full-frame body, but my go-to lens is my 50mm.

Which photo are you currently most proud of?

I mostly work with kyrzayda (fashion influencer) on a weekly basis and every time we shoot it’s like a new favorite pops up. This time was different. I actually took these photos a few hours after I found out my grandma passed away and we had to do these photos on that day due to a deadline we had already committed to. Anyways, this one is extra special because of the way the sunlight was hitting her on that spot and it was just magical. My grandma was shedding light on us…so I believe. Also, this photo represents 100% what my style in photography really is, dreamy and editorial.

Comparing where you are now with where you are when you first started, what could you have done differently to get to where you are sooner?

Honestly, there isn’t anything I would change or do differently. I like to analyze everything before ever taking a step, at least when it comes to my business. I have a saying and if you want to describe who I am, this is the way. “If you are going to do something, do it right…if not, don’t do it at all”.

You’ve clearly worked with a wide range of models, what tips can you recommend to people looking to expand their portfolio?

I think I started like every other photographer out there… ask your friends and family. I’ve landed so many jobs because of them, it was like a domino effect. Once I felt comfortable enough with my work, I started to reach out to people who I actually wanted to work with. In my case, influencers and boutiques. Offer them a one-time courtesy photo session. If they love your work, I promise they will call you back for paid jobs. Only limit your “free time” to 3 brands/models max. Remember you should never work for free.

Describe a typical shoot.


How much time do you spend taking photos, versus retouching photos?

A typical session takes about 2 hours max, depending on how much fun we are having, hehe. Retouching takes no more than an hour in most cases.

Favorite accessory?

My 50mm lens. I love her <3

Who would you like to work with most?

I never really gave this thought. I’ve had the opportunity to work with some pretty amazing people at some pretty amazing places so far. I do, however, would love to partner up on a cool project with a well-established brand or magazine.

Favorite photography book?

So I have this book that I call my photography “bible”. When I first started working with a DSLR camera, I was so determined to learn how to use it in Manual Mode. I went to Barnes and Noble’s to see what I could find… and literally as I’m walking in… I saw this book on the sale section shelf for a whole $5 dollars. The book that probably helped me get started my career in photography. This is the how-to book I recommend everyone.

For more information about Geraldine, please visit: Geraldine Torres
