Categories Designers


Accessories Giovanna Capasso

Giovanna Capasso is a specialist in marketing,  and an emerging jewelry designer, whose creations are simple and elegant, with a touch of sophistication, her pieces you can wear them on any occasion, from the beach till a date night…

When did you start with the idea of designing jewelry?

I started designing jewelry since college, back when I still weighed no party at 4 or 5 am and continue doing my pieces until 10 or 11 am. It has always amused me as if everything around me was extinguished and we were alone, accounts, my creativity, and my dreams.

I have always believed that my condition of being left-handed and sign Pisces have reigned more in my art that comes from a family of painters’ side. Maybe I’m wrong, but does it matter! After many years dedicating myself to what really feeds me, marketing, I started in 2014 inspired to try a new technique on my creative time. Something completely new and completely unknown to me.

Working with silicone materials that mold and hand-painted. And, between brushes, colored candles and I spend hours creating necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings that look much more put you displayed.

What describes your style as a designer?

All I do of course take the brand identity that describes me as a simple, highly sociable, but especially chic person.

And so it was like wearing my pieces, my friends began to want to wear them. Then on a trip to Formentera to me, one owns a super-chic to ask me where I had bought the shop Pretty woman approached, so I placed an order. That called for an Italian distributor of unique pieces of jewelry to buy one of my necklaces and so she has also contacted me arrived.
