Categories Fashion


Fashion Blogger Roswitha Moti

Roswitha Moti is a young multitalented Fashion&Lifestyle blogger, who is also an Integrative Health Coach. Estilo Tendances is her fashion&lifestyle blog where you can find the latest Fashion Tips & Tricks, Style How-to’s, Beauty Hacks and Lifestyle advice. Well, Fits You is the place where she teaches women to be Happy, Healthy, Wealthy and Fulfilled.

Today we talked to her to discover more about her projects, and what makes her so successful in both of her blogs.

How did estilo-tendances start?

Estilo Tendances started as a hobby. I was very passionate about fashion, style, and beauty and would literally spend 1-2h every day reading other people’s blogs. I still remember how I would come home from school (I was in high school) and prepare dinner and then while eating, I was reading all the new blog posts – I had a list of 20-30 blogs that I would revisit daily to see what was new. You could say I was a bit obsessed (laughing).

After I graduated high school and was not very happy with the choice I had to make regarding my university (I enrolled to be a power engineer), I decided to start my own blog, with the help of my boyfriend. I wanted only to write about what inspired me and Mihai (my boyfriend and the owner of Male Extravaganza) would take care of the tech part. If you are curious about the name of the blog, “Estilo” means “Fashion” in Portuguese (I love this language) and “Tendances” means “Tendencies” in French – again, another language that I adore. And no, I do not know any of these languages, although I started learning a bit on my own last year.

This is how, on the 24th of July 2010, Estilo Tendances was born as a personal blog about Fashion.

What inspired you to start your blog?

I admired the girls that had their own blogs about fashion and I always wanted to be just like them. I thought it must be so empowering and cool to have your own blog, that people read and love. Besides sharing my view upon fashion and style, what I really wanted was to be “someone” and have a future career in this niche. (I am sure this is almost every girl’s dream: have a career in fashion)

Of course, things have changed massively. After 2 years of blogging, I realized that if I want to build the empire that I dreamed about, I cannot do it alone. I started recruiting writers and create a team that was passionate about Estilo Tendances and what it could become. This is how in the last years, we ended up working with a few dozen writers. Since this happened, of course, we also expanded our categories and Estilo Tendances was not just about Fashion and Style, but also about Beauty, Lifestyle, and Health.

What was the biggest influence on your love of fashion?

I think my grandma. I was brought up in a family that was very religious and what I mean by ‘very’ is no jewelry, no makeup, no short skirts, etc. So, the only person in my family that was totally opposite, was my grandma. She was always in fashion, always wearing makeup and amazing jewelry. Every time she would go somewhere people would just stop and stare, because she was so different and so classy and elegant – most of the time wearing white and high heels (and she was in her 50’s). I always saw her as my role model and wanted to become just like her – fashionable, beautiful and someone people would admire.

What is your favorite part of being a fashion blogger?

I do not consider myself a “fashion blogger” anymore since, in the last year, I barely had time to write any articles about Fashion. When you become the manager of your company, you do not get to have time to do the simple things you used to do – like writing. Plus, my love for fashion slightly decreased, because I became a Health Coach and my attention shifted to lifestyle and health. But, the best part of being a blogger is having the opportunity to create a dream job. I have been self-employed for the last 9 months (after graduating Power Engineering) and managed to pay my rent, my tuition, and all the other bills, without having to get ‘a real job’. It is amazing to be able to create your job and work whenever you want to and from anywhere that has an internet connection. I get to wake up when I want to, to go out anytime I feel like it, and to be my own boss.

I think this is the most amazing thing ever!

Where do you get ideas for your post?

Every trimester we do keyword research and come up with a few dozen article ideas. The whole keyword research is not an easy process, we usually analyze to see which are the most popular topics on each category and then we think of titles. Plus, after we write each article, we look for the best keyword and then we optimize the article for SEO purposes. I am sure people expected me to say that we get inspired by abstract things, but the truth is, once the hobby becomes a business, you get more analytic about each task. But, of course, we only pick the subjects we have some input on or we are willing to experiment and research. It is highly important to write about things that you love – not just about things that are popular. We do both, this is why we managed to double Estilo Tendances traffic every 2-3 months.

Who are your fashion icons?

Tough question. I guess my 2 favorites would be Anna Dello Russo which is the editor-at-large and creative consultant for Vogue Japan and Coco Chanel – the one and only. Coco for the elegance and Anna for being bold.

How did wellfitsyou start?

After I started studying to become a Health Coach, it was inevitable for a new blog to be born. I had to have a new place where to teach people about Health, Wealth, Fulfilment, and Happiness. Well Fits You is my own project and not a platform, like Estilo Tendances, where we post a few times a week because we have a team of writers.

What do you want to reach with your second blog?

After years of self-development books, courses, events, therapists and mastermind groups I managed to get my life in order and figure out “the secret”. Now, I want to teach it to people and make as many women happy, healthy, wealthy and fulfilled. We can all have it all and I want to make women aware of it and give them the tips and tricks that I used and still use to design my dream life.

Estilo Tendances and Well Fits You compliment each other because they both empower women and help them live the most fulfilling life there can be. Estilo Tendances is all about exterior things – beauty, style, fashion while Well Fits You hits the inner aspects Career, Self-love, Nutrition. If you read them both, you will actually have the whole picture when it comes to being a modern-day woman, who looks impeccable, feels happy, has an amazing career and is healthy.

What inspired you to write for well fits you?

I had to figure out which are my strongest points – the topics I have more knowledge about and passion for writing. After this, the process became very easy, because every article is a lesson I learned, plus ways to overcome it. It is like describing my life and how I manage to solve all the issues and find opportunities. I share a lot of self-development exercises and talk about all the things I have tried in the last years. I always speak from experience – because it is really important for me to make women realize that I am a real example and I am not just talking facts. You can find all the facts you want with a simple Google search, but if you want a true experience, then you will read Well Fits You.

What do you want to achieve in the future with well fits you?

Besides running Estilo Tendances and Well Fits You, I am also a Health Coach and work with people on a 1:1 basis. I realized that not everyone can afford to work with a coach and that I only have time, each month, to help 10 people – which is not a lot. This being said, I am now working on a few products to launch, which will give me the chance to help hundreds of people, each month. I really want to leave a mark when I am gone and help at least 1,000,000 women to be truly happy. The same thing applies to Estilo Tendances, which we are currently redesigning and working on products to offer to our community.
